Alfonso Costa

  • 2005 - 2010

  • 2000 - 2004

  • 90’

  • 80’

  • 60’ - 70’

2005, Retrospective exhibition “A vertixe da mirada”, Pazo de Fonseca and University Church, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He participated in the I Encuentro de Pintura and Poesía de Mariñán organized by Deputación da Coruña. I Encuentro de Creadores do Barbanza, Porto do Son (A Coruña). He designed the poster “Fórmula de futuro” for Jornadas Internacionales de Cultura Tradicional de Carnota (A Coruña). “13º Art Solidari Contra La Sida”, Casa Elizalde in Barcelona. Art Performance in Galería Artefacto “El Arte del desnudo” in Ribeira (A Coruña). Exhibition “Os gozos e as sombras” 10+10, Fundación Torrente Ballester, Santiago de Compostela. Exhibition “Ad Libitum” in Galería Ana Vilaseco, A Coruña. Exhibition “Hombro a hombro” Alfonso Costa-Manuel Patinha, in the exhibition gallery Palacio Municipal de Santo André, Sao Paulo. 2006, Exhibition Homenaje a Freud, Santiago de Compostela. He painted the cupola and some murals in Sociedad Liceo de Noia. He travelled to Nigeria with the NGO Acción contra el Hambre, and made some drawings and photographs for the project Cartafol de Grabados. He participated in II Jornadas de Arte en el Pazo de Mariñán. Sala Francisco Creo in Liceo de Noia. “Accións Estratéxicas. Arte Actual na Deputación de A Coruña” in Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He tought in the XI Engraving Course in Sociedad Liceo de Noia. He took part in I Encuentro con el Arte, Homenaje a Rosalía de Castro, Concello de Brión (A Coruña). Exhibition “Cinco Visións do Barbanza” in Galería Bomarzo in Ribeira (A Coruña). He designed some dresses for the collection of the designer Charo Álvarez (Charoa). He illustrated the poem book “Desconcerto” by Eva Veiga, Ed. Biblos. He participated in Puro Arte, Vigo. He participated in the Etching collection “Juego de la oca” for Fundación Vicente Ferrer. 2007, He illustrated the book “A Costureira Poeta” written by Xosé Agrelo Hermo, based on the life of María Mariño -Letras Galegas- Xunta de Galicia. He had a Photograph exhibition, “Níxer” in Portas Ártabras in A Coruña, Galería Sargadelos in Ferrol, Coliseo Noela in Noia, Biblioteca Provincial de Lugo. He engraved 5 etchings about Nigeria, with a poem by Francisco X. Fernández Naval for Acción contra el Hambre. He participated in III Jornadas de Arte y Poesía, Pazo de Mariñán organized by Deputación da Coruña. He illustrated the magazine “Casa da Gramática” and “Alameda” in Noia. He had an exhibition in Centro Internacional del Grabado in Betanzos. He participated in the exhibition Pentagrama, Casa de Cultura in Pobra do Caramiñal (A Coruña). He illustrated the magazine Reverso, dedicated to Galicia (Mexico). He taught in XII Engraving Course, Liceo de Noia. He designed the posters for IX Jornadas de Patrimonio do Concello de Lousame and IX Jornadas de Homenaje a Valle Inclán in Pobra do Caramiñal (A Coruña). Chinese painting course by Li Chi Pang Professor in Fine Arts University in Pontevedra. Exhibition in Club de Prensa in Centro de Arte Torrente Ballester, Ferrol. 2008, The book “Alfonso Costa” was published, written by Ánxeles Penas and Eva Veiga for Colección Grandes Pintores, and edited by Deputación da Coruña. He designed characters and decoration for the short “O soldadiño de chumbo” produced by Continental Producciones. He designed the front page and illustrations for the magazine of Festas de Ombre (Pontedeume). Exhibition “Entredós” with Manuel Ayaso. Fundación Museo do Gravado de Artes, Ribeira (A Coruña). Exhibition “Homenaje a la Música”, Madrid. III Encuentro de Pintura y Poesía Homenaje a Blanco Amor, Concello de Brión. He designed the poster for Festas Patronales de Noia. He taught in XIII Engraving Course in Sociedad Liceo de Noia. He took part in Salón D’automne in Paris. He was the announcer of Festas de San Bartolomeu de Noia. He was invited to participate in the European Art Meeting in Passau (Alemania). “Visións”, exhibition in Galería Sargadelos in Ferrol. Audiovisual show in Centro Gallego and in Patronato de la Cultura Gallega in Montevideo (Uruguay). He painted a 200x200cm-canvas for Museo da Emigración Galega in Buenos Aires (Argentina). He was invited to participate in Jornadas Internacionales del Grabado Contemporáneo  Ingráfica, Cuenca. Exhibition “Exposición Galega de Arte Contemporánea”, Viana do Castelo (Portugal). He participated in Puro Arte, Vigo. 2009, Caixanova. Itinerary exhibition in Vigo, Pontevedra and Ourense. Moret Art Espacio “Anatomía do Silencio”. He designed  the poster of Festas do Entroido do Concello da Coruña. Exhibition “Arte na Provincia. Espazo e Creación”, sponsored by Deputación da Coruña. He designed the poster for Fiesta de la Camelia Ría de Noia-Muros and Festival Párkinson in Ferrol. Homage of Concellería de Cultura de Culleredo “due to his artistic and life trajectory” in the II Encuentros de Pintura e Poesía. 2010, Exhibition by Caixanova “Grandes Artistas Gallegos”, Vigo, Pontevedra, Ourense. He took parti in Espacio Atlántico in the Stand of Moret Art Espacio, Vigo. Exhibition “Visións da Camelia” Museo de Pontevedra. He took part in 3º Encontro de Arte de Culleredo. Exhibition Gran Formato, Noia, Ferrol. He illustrated the poetry book “En mares de coherencia” written by Antón Borrazás, edited by Editorial Boreal, A Coruña. He collaborated in the book “Níxer” with poetry and illustrations, Edicións Xeráis de Galicia. He took part in the 5º Encontro de Pintura en Brión (A Coruña). He took part in the XV Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia. UIMP inveted him to the semminar “A universidade que nos agarda. Encontro cos novos estudantes universitarios de Galicia”, Bamio (Pontevedra). Exhibition in Galería Sargadelos-Barbanza in Boiro (A Coruña). He designed artistic images for “Elas falan” poetry and musical show for Grupo Ouriol in Teatro Rosalía de Castro, A Coruña. He illustrated “O Círculo Ígnio” for the magazine Alameda, written by Agustín Agra, Liceo de Noia.

2000, he designed the covers of the book El hijo del emigrante, written by Albino Mallo; Alento de gaita by Óscar Losada Castro and Os misteriosos camiños de Compostela by Louis Charpentier. He painted the poster for Fiestas de San Marcos in Noia and XIII Baixada das Carriladas, Esteiro (A Coruña). Exhibition in Galería Coral Gables in Miami. He gave VI Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia. He designed the covers for the serie Keltia by Editorial Toxosoutos (Noia). Exhibition "Memorias" in Liceo de Noia. He illustrated the magazine Creación Literaria e Cultural Casa da Gramática, lES Virxe do Mar and magazine Alameda by Sociedade Liceo, Noia (A Coruña). 2001, exhibition in Museo Valle-Inclán in Pobra do Caramiñal, Casa da Cultura in Pontedeume, O erotismo na Arte, exhibition "Gritosilencios", Coliseo Noela and Casa da Cultura Avilés de Taramancos in Noia (A Coruña). He painted the poster for XVIII Rali Ría de Noia. He illustrated the poem book Na terra das mil coisas, by the Portugese writer Gilda Nones. Editora Ausència, Lisbon. (Portugal). He designed the anagrama and covers for the collection "Trasmontes", for Editorial Toxosoutos de Noia. Exhibition "Memoria Futura", Casa de la Parra, Santiago de Compostela. He gave the VII Curso de Grabado in Sociedade Liceo de Noia. He painted 120 meters decoration (Cúpula and laterales), Casa da Cultura in Porto do Son (A Coruña). He painted a mural in the main entrance of Sociedade Liceo de Noia. He took part in "Xornadas Culturais", in Isla de San Simón, organized by Xunta de Galicia, (Pontevedra). Exhibition Fauna de papel in Sala de Arte del Correo Gallego (Santiago de Compostela). He designed the poster for 1º Premio de Relatos de Aventuras Avilés de Taramancos. Alfonso Costa, book written by Eva Veiga for the volume Artistas Galegos-Pintores. Realismo, Nova Galicia Edición S.L. (Vigo). 2002, He designed the trophies for Premios de Investigación de Historia Medieval and Relatos de Aventuras (Noia). He illustrated the books Seres Galegos das Augas by Xosé Teijeiro and Frai Samuel by Ramón Carredano, Editorial Toxosoutos (Noia). He collaborated  in Homenaje a "Francisco Fernandez del Riego", Fundación Premios da Critica, Vigo. He gave the VIII Curso de Grabado Liceo de Noia. He painted the poster for "0 Peirao dos Soños", homage to Avilés de Taramancos by Escola de Teatro del Liceo. He engraved Eco del Pasado for I Xornadas de Historia e Cultura in Porto do Son. He designed the anagram for Instituto Virxe do Mar (Noia). He painted several posters: "Imos Vence-la Fame", Acción Contra el Hambre and "VII Congreso Internacional Didáctica de Lengua-Literatura" (Santiago de Compostela). He designed the label for the wine Amadeus, Vinícola do Ribeiro (Rivadavia). He painted the poster for the  "25 carreira pedreste", organized by El Correo Gallego in Santiago. Exhibition in Galería Trebellar in A Coruña and Galería La Campana in Santiago de Compostela. 2003, He designed the poster for Ancora Produccións "Hai que romper" and the cover of La Voz de Galicia, for Letras Galegas, Avilés de Taramancos. Sociedad Liceo de Noia named him Honorary member. He did illustrations about Avilés de Taramancos, Filoloxía Galega, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He painted the poster "75 anos" Liceo de Noia. He made the sculpture "O Vixía do Mar" for Xunta de Galicia (Letras Galegas 2003). He designed the covers for the books: Avilés de Taramancos written by Aurora Marco, Ed. Toxosoutos, (Noia) and Antón Avilés de Taramancos, written by Lola Arxóns and Xavier Castro. Ed. Xerais, (Vigo). He made "O Crisol da Memoria", sculpture located in the road Noia-Santiago. He designed the poster for "Xornadas Internacionais de Cultura Tradicional", Carnota (A Coruña). He made the sculpture Escultura homage to Avilés de Taramancos A nao do ar (Noia). Exhibition in Galería Shatevin, (Barcelona). "Espacio da Cor", lES Virxe do Mar de Noia. He gave the IX Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia. He painted the poster for "V Feira Medieval" in Noia. He took part in Universidade de Santiago de Compostela’s XXII Congreso "Otros Lenguajes in Educación", Sitges (Barcelona). 2004, "Exhibition Pintores e Escultores Noieses", Coliseo Noela de Noia. Sempre in Galicia, Produccións Culturais Artesa (A Coruña). He gave a painting course in Dortmund. (Germany), he designed the poster "Galicia da emigración e Galicia da inmigración", ICE Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Asociación de Empresarios de Noia gave him the prize El berberecho de Plata. He designed the posters "As pegadas do camiño" for Acción contra el Hambre (Galicia) and "Xornadas Internacionais de Cultura Tradicional de Carnota" (A Coruña). He took part in "As pegadas do camiño", Pintura-Poesía in el Camino: do Cebreiro a Compostela, organized by Acción contra el Hambre (Galicia). He gave the X Curso de Grabado, Liceo de Noia. He took part in "Estampa", (Madrid). Group exhibition "Lembrando a Dalí" Sala Araguaney (Santiago de Compostela). Exhibition "Retrospectiva de grabado" in Museo de Artes del Grabado, Ades (A Coruña). Exhibition about Camino Jacobeo, in Palacio del Carmen (Santiago de Compostela). Asociación de Artistas Plásticos de Galicia gave him the prize Paleta de Plata for his artistas career. Group exhibition "As Pegadas do Camiño" in Fundación Granell (Santiago de Compostela).

1990, exhibitions in Galería Cincuecento (Barcelona), "5 irmáns" in Casa de Cultura de Noia (A Coruña), Casa de Cultura de Ulldecona (Tarragona). He painted the poster "Ball de Manteins" for Ulldecona City Council de (Tarragona). He designed the poster for Spring Carnival in Arnsberg (Germany). He took part in "III Noche de la Pintura", Salou (Tarragona). He painted some Works inspirated in prehistorical paintings recently discovered near to Ermita de Nuestra Señora de la Piedad in Ulldecona (Tarragona). He was selected for the exhibition "Revisión dunha década", Santiago, Vigo. He designed the label for cava "Almirall de Figuerola", in Ozcariz-Raventós (Barcelona). Exhibition in Fondo Internacional de Pintura (Barcelona). He took part in Art-Inter (Valencia). He did the illustrations for Quixote, Galician translation by Editorial Xuntanza, S.A. The book Alfonso Costa, written by José Manuel Garcia Iglesias. Ediciones Dube. (Barcelona). 1991, exhibition "Dibujantes gallegos" in Galería Sargadelos in Ferrol. Exhibition in La Galería (Barcelona), Palacio Oriol (Tortosa), Galería Citania (Santiago de Compostela). He engraved El Cofre Árab with poems by Gerard Vergés. He took part in "Homenaxe a Laxeiro", Galería Citania. He designed sleeve and posters for TVG’s program "Galicia no tempo". He took part in "14 grabadores gallegos", Cámara Municipal de Amadora (Portugal). He made illustrations for the magazine Luzes. He painted some murals in Área Beethoven in Barcelona and Polideportivo de Ulldecona (Tarragona). He was selected for the exhibition "Medio Século de Arte Galega" (Lisbon). He illustrated the book Cunqueiro, written by Manuel Fraga, edited by Xunta de Galicia. He illustrated El Ojo de Dios, book written by José Antonio Parrilla (A Coruña). He did illustrations for Boletín Galego de Literatura by Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. He engraved Soños e cores with texts by Xavier Costa Clavell. He took part in Fira Internacional Grafic-Art in Barcelona. 1992, exhibition in Galería Obelisco in A Coruña, in Sargadelos (Ferrol), Caja Madrid (Madrid) and Liceo de Noia (A Coruña). He took part in ADICAT, Mercat del Bom (Barcelona). Feria Internacional de Arte Inter (Valencia). He designed the atrezzo for "A conta atrás" by Televisión Gallega. He designed the stand for Escurís, Alimentaria (Barcelona). He did an sculpture for Laboratorios Esteve in Barcelona. He painted the poster for V Semana de la Cocina Gallega (Barcelona). 1993, exhibition in Galería Casrey and La Galería in Barcelona. He designed the poster for Fiestas Quinquenais de Morelia, Alcanar and Ulldecona. He engraved Salve Urbe Magna by Producións Culturais Artesa (A Coruña), he taught in I Curso de Grabado, Casa de la Juventud (Noia). 1994, he engraved Paisaxes do Baleiro, with Eva Veiga’s poems. He took part in II Feria de Dibujo in La Galería (Barcelona). Exhibition in Sargadelos (Santiago de Compostela-Ferrol), Rincón del Arte (A Coruña), Centro Cultural Alhadros (Ibiza), Casa de la Cultura (Ulldecona), Casa de Galicia (Madrid). Exhibition "Centenario del Cercle Artísti de Sant Lluc" (Barcelona). He took part in Estampa (Madrid). 1995, he designed the poster for "125 Anys de Música de Alcanar" (Tarragona). Exhibition in Fundación Caixa Galicia (A Coruña-Santiago de Compostela). Exhibition "14 grabadores contemporáneos", Centro Cultural Español, Juan de Salazar, Asunción (Paraguay). Exhibition "Con outros ollos", Casa da Cultura Avilés de Taramancos in Noia (A Coruña). He painted the poster for Fiestas Patronales de Noia. He gave the 1° Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia. 1996, he took part in Feria Internacional de Arte de Barcelona. Exhibition in Galería Rincón del Arte (A Coruña). He gave the II Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia and el 1° engraving course organized by Ferrol City Council. Exhibition "14 Grabadores Contemporáneos", Centro Cultural Borges de Buenos Aires. Exhibition "0 desnudo", Fundación Caixa Galicia. He took part in the exhibition "Imaxe e palabra", dedicated to Antón Avilés, by the photographer María Esteirán in Casa de la Cultura de Noia. He designed the cover for the book by Aurora Marco Estudios sobre Mujer, Lengua and Literatura in Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He published the poem book "0 espello de papel", Editorial Toxosoutos, Noia. 1997, exhibition in Galería Bozënna in Barcelona. He designed cover for Directorio Anual de Artes Plásticas (Barcelona). He took part in Feria Internacional de Arte de Barcelona. He was selected for the exhibition “Galicia terra única” (Vigo and Ferrol). Itinerary exhibition "Aprendamos a ver la Pintura”, organized by Fundación Caixa Galicia. He gave the III Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia. Exhibition in Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Rio de Janeiro), Galería Clérigos (Lugo), "14 grabadores Contemporáneos" (México). Exhibition "Homenaje a Gurméndez" (Pontedeume). Exhibition "Autorretratos", Caixa Galicia. He designed the cover for the book by Aurora Marco Lingua, Literatura e Arte de la Universidad de Santiago. He took part in Bienal Internacional del Deporte en las Bellas Artes (Barcelona). 1998, exhibition in Atlántica, Centro de Arte (A Coruña), Diputación Provincial de Jaén, Galería Brétema in Ferrol, Galería Bernak in Worpswede (Germany). He collaborated in la I Xuntanza de Xoves Artistas, Gandario (A Coruña). He gave an art course in Cazorla organized by Diputación de Jaén. Group exhibition with Manuel Ayaso, Rafael Masiá and Xoán Pardiñas, Casa da Cultura de Riveira (A Coruña). He gave the IV Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia. 1999, he designed the posters for “Festa da Fervenza" in Mazaricos (A Coruña) and Colegiata in A Coruña. He painted two posters in Coliseo Noela in Noia and illustrated the cover of the book 25 anos despois (Liceo-Noia). He was selected in X Premio Olense Kartoenale (Belgium). "Homenaje a Laureano Álvarez", Casa de la Cultura Salvador de Madariaga (A Coruña). Exhibition "Memoria do Espacio", in Centro Torrente Ballester in Ferrol. He gave V Curso de Grabado in Liceo de Noia.

1980, exhibition in Sala Brook (Barcelona), in Palacio Solleric (Palma de Mallorca), in Galería Catro (A Coruña), Caja General de Ahorros and Monte de Piedad de Granada (Jaén). He engraved with Caty Juan, Concha Ibáñez and Pascual Casaubón, Homenaje a Zabaleta, Quesada (Jaén). He executed the etchings Homenaje a Goya. 1981, exhibition in Galería Citania in Santiago de Compostela and in Caja de Ahorros de Vigo. He took part in Bienal Iberoamericana de México. He took part in the exhibition "Artistas catalanes a Picasso" (Barcelona), and "Pintura Galega" in Vigo. He designed the cover for Alfonso Muñoz Cantos’ book, Panorama de las Artes Plásticas (Barcelona). He made the illustrations for the book La concreta poesía de los científicos, with Cesáreo Rodríguez Aguilera’s poems. 1982, exhibition in the galleries Lleonart (Barcelona), Alfredo de Santa Eulalia (Ibiza), Sementeira in Noia, Joaquín Mir (Palma de Mallorca) and in Salón de Artistas Gallegos in A Coruña. He designed the posters for Fiestas Patronales and VIII Subida al Iroite in Noia (A Coruña). 1983, exhibition in Galería Abracadabra (Vigo), in Museo Bello Piñeiro (Ferrol), in Galería Catro and in City Council in A Coruña. He was selected for Salon d’art et artisanat, in Loirent (France). He illustrated the book La Señorita de Scuderi, by E. Th. Amadeo Hoffman. He obtained a grant from Ministerio de Cultura (Madrid). 1984, Noia City Council gave him the City Medal. Exhibition in Galería Citania (Santiago de Compostela), Sementeira (Noia) and Alfredo in Santa Eulalia (Ibiza). He took part in the international art fair in Pontevedra and in Premio Internacional de Arte de Montecarlo (France). He engraved the etchings A Rosalía de Castro. He designed the poster and illustrations for XXXI Festival de Amigos de la Ópera de A Coruña. He illustrated the cover of the book Escolma da poesía galega 1976-1984, by Xosé Lois García and executed the cover of the magazine Escrita (Barcelona). Serveis Editorials (Barcelona) published the book Alfonso Costa, written by Xavier Costa Clavell. 1985, exhibition in Galería Scala (Barcelona), in Ulldecona (Tarragona) and in Sala de la Caixa de Barcelona. Sant Sadurni d'Anoia (Barcelona). He took part in ARCO, Madrid. He illustrated the book 0 Conde de Viloide, by Xavier Costa Clavell and Memòries dun nen pages, by Xosé Neira Vilas. He executed a poster for Cabalgata de Reis in Noia (A Coruña). He painted murals for Leyma (A Coruña) and Instituto Xelmírez in Santiago de Compostela. 1985-1986, he painted murals in the Youngsters Prison, Barcelona. He illustrated the cover of the book written by Manuel Rodríguez, Gallegos in Cataluña-2. 1986, exhibition in Galería Esfinge. Geneva (Switzerland), in Galería A. Binhold (Germany) and Skyros in Ibiza. He painted with Guerrero Medina 300-meters-mural in Cárcel Modelo in Barcelona. He did several paintings base on Höllinhofen Casttle (Germany). The book Alfonso Costa. Conversaciones sobre vocación, pintura and manierismo, written by José de Castro Arines was published. Ed. Sotelo Blanco, Barcelona. 1987, he painted a mural in San Roque de Viveiro School (Lugo). Painting Exhibition organized by Menden City (Germany). Exhibition in Galería Skyros (Ibiza), Casa de la Parra (Santiago de Compostela) and Sala Municipal Durán Loriga (A Coruña). He took part in the exhibition "El Retrato in Cataluña" (Barcelona). He executed a poster for Henri Abelé (France). He painted the poster for Spring Carnival in Arnsberg-2 (Germany). Designed the poster for Fiestas Patronales in Noia (A Coruña). He illustrated the book de Xavier Costa Clavell, Restaurantes Gallegos in Barcelona. Henri Abelé dedicated him a road in a cava in Reims (France). 1988, he was the honorary guest in the 750th Anniversary of Arnsberg City (Germany). He was selected for the itinerary exhibition "Vangardas e Silencios". Exhibition in Galería Skyros (Ibiza), Galería Pardo Bazán (A Coruña), He won the prize Pérez Villamil in drawing (Ferrol). He painted a mural in Instituto Virxe do Mar in Noia and in Arnsberg (Germany). He engraved the etchings A illa verde con poemas de poetas gallegos. He painted some portraits of Otero Pedrayo. The group "Mareusa" gave him the honour medal (Barcelona). Exhibition in Kiosco Alfonso in A Coruña and in Sala de Caja Postal in Santiago de Compostela. Xunta de Galicia (Presidency) asked him 25 paintings about the tale by Álvaro Cunqueiro. He gave an art course in Arnsberg (Germany). 1989, he engraved the carpet Compostela with poems of Salvador García Bodaño, for  Santiago de Compostela City Council and an etching Keltoi for TVG. Exhibition in Caixa Vigo, Casino de Viveiro, Galería Sargadelos in Santiago de Compostela and Galería Dama de Calafeli (Tarragona). He designed the poster for Fiestas Patronales in Noia. He illustrated the book written by Costa Clavell, Gastronomía Gallega in Barcelona. He collaborated  in the book Tradicións, mitos, crenzas e curanderismo in medicina popular de Galicia, by Xesús Vázquez Gallego. Enamel exhibition with Julia Ares, A Coruña, Ferrol, Santiago de Compostela. He took part in the exhibition "Mundos", Casa de la Parra (Santiago de Compostela). He engraved Ermitaños celestes for Banco Pastor (A Coruña).


1967, exhibition in Jaén. 1968, exhibition in Noia (A Coruña). Centro de Iniciativas and Turismo de Noia, awarded him with Empanadeira de Plata. 1969, exhibition in Galería Toisón (Madrid).


1970, he was selected for the itinerary exhibition in America organized by IX Concurso de Dibujo Joan Miró. Exhibition in Sala Jaimes, Barcelona. 1971, exhibitions in Taller de Picasso and Sala de Arte Moderno (Barcelona) and in Galería Toisón (Madrid). 1972, exhibition in Galería Latina (Palma de Mallorca) and in Galería Trece in Barcelona. Fundación March awarded him a grant to go to Florence (Italy). 1973, he took part in Art Basel 4 (Switzerland). Exhibition in Galería Trece in Barcelona. 1974, exhibition in Galería Seen in London. He executed a poster for V Juegos Provinciales de L’Hospitalet (Barcelona). He took part in international art fairs in Basel (Switzerland) and Paris (France). He took part in Curso Internacional de Pintura Mural in San Cugat del Valles (Barcelona). Exhibition in Galería Maestro Mateo (A Coruña) and Fondo de Arte (Madrid). 1975-1980 he engraved with Pujol Boira, the series La Princesa Alba y Barcelona. 1976, exhibition in Galería Arts (Valencia), in Galería Trece (Barcelona) and in Galería Torques (Santiago de Compostela). He took part in the exhibition "Amnistia, Drest Humans i Art", Fundación Miró (Barcelona). 1977, engraved with Concha Ibáñez the etchings Longa noite de pedra, about Celso Emilio Ferreiro’s poems. He was selected for the exhibition "Artistas Españoles Contemporáneos", Museo de las Américas, La Habana (Cuba) and Fundación Gulbenkian, Lisbon (Portugal). Exhibition in Galería Torques de Santiago de Compostela. 1978, he engraved 10 etchings for the carpet Tempo de Compostela, with poems of Salvador García Bodaño. He was selected for l Europe Prize of painting in Ostende (Belgium). Exhibition in Galería Torques (Santiago de Compostela), Galería Sargadelos in Madrid and in Galería Ceibe in A Coruña. 1979, exhibition in Galería Trece (Barcelona), Galería Tertre (Mataró), Centro de Estudios Ilerdenses (Lleida) and in Galería Ceibe (A Coruña). 1979-1984, he did a 2000-meters-mural-painting in Instituto Frenopático in Barcelona. He illustrated for La Voz de Galicia: Mitos and Leyendas, Los oficios gallegos, etc., written by Xavier Costa Clavell.

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The logos outside Alfonso Costa that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, being in any case themselves responsible for any possible disputes that may arise concerning them. Placing them on the Web site Alfonso Costa has been in any case, prior notification and acceptance by them.

The design of the Website is owned by Alfonso Costa from programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, therefore, will require the express written permission of Alfonso Costa for total or partial reproduction, and for the exploitation, distribution and marketing in general.

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V. Governing law.

In any litigation or attaching to the Website of or any of it comes, will apply Spanish law to be competent for the resolution of all disputes related to the use of this Web site, the Courts of A Coruña (Spain) and where appropriate, arbitration tribunals to which is attached Alfonso Costa in the time of the dispute. To submit claims on the use of our services can be directed by email to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

VI. Information about the owner

Alfonso Costa, according to art. 10 of LSSICE, informs: is the commercial name of the holder with NIF: 37241511A. You may use the contact form available in if you want to contact.

Alfonso Costa 2011 . Legal terms . Credits .